International Yoga Day 2021: Yoga helps relieve menopausal pain

International Yoga Day 2021: Yoga helps poses
best yoga poses everyone do                                                                                 image by pixel

International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 every year, highlighting the importance of yoga and its role in rejuvenating our minds and bodies and leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Yoga can be interpreted as the dance of every cell of our body, the music of every breath that creates intimacy and harmony.

According to the UN, the main theme of International Yoga Day 2021 is 'Yoga for Yoga', so that the practice of yoga can improve the overall health of each person.

There are many additions by which people get rid of various problems. One of the problems with yoga is menopause.

A piece of straw makes many women suffer from severe pain. Straw snow lower abdomen intense, strong and burning. This obstruction occurs as a result of uterine contractions to remove the endometrium.

But, some yoga works wonders to drop nausea.

Painkillers can relieve pain, but more natural solutions can help heal the source of the pain.

Contrary to popular mythology, it is recommended to practice during periods, as it releases endorphins, relieving the body's natural pain. This means that light workouts help reduce cramps and pain during periods.

1. Ustrasana (camel posture)

Ustrasana is a Camel posture that opens the neck, chest and floor, improves posture, strengthens the back muscles and stretches the thighs, ankles and elbows.

The camel pose extends to your abdomen. Your abdominal tension signals your uterine muscles to stop contracting, thus making the airway of the strut teaser easier. Start by kneeling on the floor. Extend your body back and hold your ankle. Keep your hips forward and your head back. Hold this position for about 25 seconds and then return to the original position.

2. Sukhsana (happy posture)

Sit up straight with both legs spread in a dark hole.
Bend the left leg and bald the inner part of the right thigh.
Then bend the right thigh and bald the left thigh.
Put your hands on your knees and sit straight with your spine.
Benefits of Sukhsana:

Sukhsana strengthens the back and extends the knees and ankles. This will open the muscles (hips) in the buttocks, groin and outer thighs. Sitting in a straight line with your spine reduces stress and anxiety. It calms the mind and is known as a stress reliever.

3. Balasana (children's seat)

Balasana or baby posture is a very comfortable posture that can relieve bladder pain. It does this by flexing the reproductive organs and releasing tension in the back, shoulders and neck area. It also helps to relax the mind.

To do this pose, you need to sit on your knees in such a way that your body is stable on your thighs and your arms are stretched out in front of you. Start with your knees on the floor, bend slightly, extend your arms and lower yourself as far as you can comfortably go. If possible, bend your forehead over the mat in front of you and take five gentle, diaphragmatic breaths, or inhale from the abdomen instead of the chest.

4. Vajrasana (thunder pose)

Slowly lower your knees.
Place your pelvis on top of your bones and point your toes outwards.
Here, your calf muscles need to press on your thighs.
Keep your ankles close to each other.
Do not place the toes on top of each other but the right and left should be next to each other.
Place the palm of your hand on your knee.
Straighten your back and look to the front and hold this posture for a while.
Benefits of Vajrasana:

Vajrasana is very beneficial for digestion and keeps the stomach healthy. This is the best position for the circulation of blood in the digestive organs when you are sitting in Vajrasana and it makes them effective. It gives you better food absorption and nutrient absorption, so make the best use of what you eat. It prevents gas formation and cures acidity, indigestion and constipation.

5. Dhanursana (bow posture)

Sagittarius stimulates the reproductive organs and strengthens the core. It relieves constipation and discomfort during periods. This seat should not be used at all for those who have spinal and disc problems.

Start lying on the floor with the width of the buttocks of your arms apart. Now bend your knees and hold the ankle. To breathe, get up on your feet and lift your upper body. Stay in this position and take deep breaths. Now go back to the original position and repeat.

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This is one of the BEST yoga poses to try for a great start.
Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor; keep your forehead on the ground
Join your feet together with your feet and heels touching each other lightly.
Place both hands in such a way that palms are touching the ground under your shoulders, elbows should be parallel and close to your torso.
Take a deep breath and slowly raise your head, chest and lower abdomen. Raise your navel on the floor.
Pull your torso back and up off the floor with your hands. Make sure you are applying equal pressure on both palates.
Keep breathing consciously, as you twist your spine and look up.
Maintain the posture while breathing evenly for 4-5 breaths.
Now exhale and slowly bring your stomach, chest and head back to the floor.
Benefits of Bhujangasana:

Cobra pose or Bhujangasana reduces the tightness of the lower back. Stretches the muscles of the chest, shoulders and abdomen. Strengthens shoulders and arms. Helps to improve mood.

6. Supta Matsyanderson (Supine Spine)

One of the most popular poses for dealing with stru tusara babies is the reeling twist because it feels good and has a lot of health benefits. For starters, your back and hips will get a lot of stretch, which is a must if you are dealing with aches and pains due to periods.

Begin the pose by extending the legs and lying on the back. While inhaling bring the knee close to the chest and extend it towards the shoulders. As you exhale, bend the knees in the opposite direction to the rest of the body, with one leg still extended. Keep in mind that the back should still be off the ground, with only the hips rotating.

7. Butterfly Pose

This asana extends to the inner thighs, wrists and knees and improves flexibility, relieves fatigue from walking after standing for long periods of time.

Straighten your spine and put your feet in front. Behaind your knees and bring your feet towards the pelvis. Let a soles of your feet touch each other.

Hold your feet tightly with your hands, you can put them under the feet to support them. Try to bring the ankles as close to the pelvis as possible. Take a deep breath.

Exhale, and press the thighs and knees toward the floor.
Start flapping like a butterfly's wings both above and below the thigh. Start slowly, gradually increase the speed. Always breathe normally. Flap as fast as you can comfortably. Slow down and then stop.

Take a deep breath, then exhale and lean forward, keeping the chin up and the spine straight. Press your elbows into the thighs, pushing them toward the floor. Feel the stretch in the inner part of the thighs. Take long and slow breaths, relax the muscles. Take the deep breath and bring the torso up. Exhale and slowly release the posture.

Benefits of Butterfly Pose:

This is the best yoga seat for weight loss and helps you tone the thighs. This asana also improves flexibility in your private parts and hip area as it extends to the inner thighs, genitals and knees. It helps to release any toxins and negative energy in the hip and groin areas. Your pelvis, abdomen and back are fueled by abundant blood supply. Climbing on the thighs also increases the sperm count in men. For women, coupled with ovulation, it helps the ovaries to function properly and eliminates irregular menstruation. This asana not only enhances the level of fertility but also ensures smooth supply if practiced till the end of pregnancy.

8. Savasana (resting the corpse)

Rest corpse pose is obviously the most relaxing and usually occurs at the end of all yoga sessions. Although this asana is the simplest form of yoga, it has many benefits. For the P position, you need to lie comfortably on your back without twisting and twisting your body. It balances your breathing and thus helps your mind to get rid of urinary blockage, thereby freeing you from menstrual blockages.

Lie down on your back and keep your palms facing forward. Gently lower your body starting above your head, then relax your neck, shoulders, your spine, your arms and hands, thighs, your calves, ankles and finally your feet.

These were some of the yogasanas that can help relieve the pain of menopause during the month. The practice of yoga is believed to have started thousands of years ago in India and is even mentioned in ancient mythological texts such as the Gveda.

On 27 September 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the United Nations General Assembly proposed the concept of 'Yoga Day' and on 15 June 2015, the first International Day of Yoga was celebrated across the world.

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